What can you apply for?
Programme delivery - costs involved in delivering new or expanded opportunities for sport, active recreation and play initiatives. Includes costs such as venue hire, equipment,transport to event, and staff/volunteer costs
Age range: All ages. Up to $4,000
Volunteers/Officials - projects improving the quality of physical activity opportunities. Includes, but is not limited to, volunteer and paid staff training and development, co-design activities, and club development.
Age range: All age. Up to $2000.
Travel - up to $200 to support individuals based in Invercargill. Up to $500 to contribute towards teams. Individuals and teams must not be professional or part of a national team.
All ages.
Accessibility - resources for individuals who face financial difficulties. May include equipment and clothing, membership fees and transport costs. Applied for through Regional Sports Organisations, community groups or social agencies. Up to $200 per individual.
Age range: 5 to 25-years-old