Facility Resources

Space to Co

Space to Co is a platform that helps you with becoming a searchable, bookable venue on the web, think Airbnb for your clubrooms. 

They also offer a free course on how to have a web presence and market your space to make it attractive in the virtual space. How to leverage social media and have the clibrooms you care about appear online in a positive way. Check it out here.

Hiring out your space can alleviate some of the financial burden and help you plan for maintenance and ongoing operational costs.

If you are ready to sign up, you can take yourself through all the material in their onboarding course here.

Maintenance and Building Plans

It is important to be able to project what costs the facility will have in the future and plan accordingly for those. There is the operational running of the day-to-day and there are maintenance and building plans that factor in bigger pieces of work. 

Like any home, upkeep of maintenance is a prudent way to keep down costs in the long term.  Here are a couple of exemplars to help you start planning. 

If you have an older facility with no plan, it is worth engaging an engineer or a builder to help with some assessment of the site. You may have aclub member that can volunteer their time or provide a discoungted service. Don't underestimate the power of community!

Facility Documents and Strategies

Most sporting codes have facility plans and/or strategies created to guide regional sporting organisations, councils and local clubs through the development of facilities, whether new or refurbishment. It is a good idea to check what is already in place for your code.

Currently being revised and rewritten are strategies for Squash, Acquatics and Equestrian. We have not included the old strategies as the new ones are expecting mid 2022.​​​​​​​

Multi-Purpose Facility Presentation

We hosted Dave Tippett from Selwyn Sports Centre who presented his perspective, relevant to Rolleston but the underlying principles being universally applicable.

presentation link below