New team member looking forward to another challenge

After completing three years of study for a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise, Megan Dawson thought she was done taking on new challenges for a while. 

Until she saw a job being advertised by Active Southland’s Healthy Families Invercargill team. 

The systems innovator role, which will see her connecting with the community, stakeholders, and decision makers with the goal of improving health outcomes, fit her perfectly. 

She started in the new role this week. 

Megan’s passion for health and wellbeing has been lifelong – as a child she “played every sport under the sun” and as an adult she loves taking part in activities that challenge her fitness and get her outdoors. 

It’s a passion she shares with her family – her two children, her partner, and his children. 

“As a family we love being outdoors. There are lots of sports that the kids play...We love just getting away, exploring, going on adventures.” 

Professionally, she also has a background in health and wellbeing, having worked for 10 years on various community initiatives at WellSouth before completing her Sport and Exercise degree and starting with Healthy Families Invercargill. Deciding to undertake the degree study had come after she realised she wanted to “get out from behind a desk”. 

“I felt like I would have added value because of life experiences and my passion for health and wellbeing. I felt I could really make a difference (in the community).” 

In her spare time, aside from watching her children playing their various sports, you can find Megan riding her mountain bike, walking her dog on the beach, or taking part in adventure racing with a group of friends. 

Article added: Friday 23 July 2021


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